Thursday, January 30, 2014

Breathe.... just breathe....

What a difference 24 hours makes.

Now that most of the nitty gritty is sorted - money changed, airport transfers booked and most importantly, hair coiffed, the stress has largely abated as we are now faced with  nothing more traumatic than packing our bags,  checking off lists and painting toe nails. 


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Well.... that was unexpected.

Here we go again...

In all honesty, we ( myself and darling daughter, the Divine Miss M - hereafter known as DMM) have been in' financial recovery' since our trip to Japan mid last year, so when, on a sunny morning in October, a mere 4 months later,  DMM reveals to me that she had indeed just won a trip to Hollywood through a well known makeup brand ( whom will remain anonymous for now- due to their shoddy handling of this whole affair) I was first to put my hand up for the 'and guest' position. 

Now, given that this all came about scarcely 3 months ago, this has been the fastest, most stressful prep for a trip in living memory. 

To cut a long story short, the company refused to let us know until mid December when we were expected to take the trip, and then informed that we MUST take it within the next two months. 

In Early January we found out where the prize accommodation was to be... you guessed it - back blocks of Hollywood in a 2 star motor inn dive. In the only two photos available on the entire internet, this place looks like drug deal central.    Nup... not going to happen.  We promptly booked alternative accommodation ( and up goes our cost significantly) but what price peace of mind, right?

Now we are 4 days from departure with a mountain of prep still to accomplish due to unexpectedly busy work commitments and to be honest, I'm struggling to raise the excitement level.

 So for my first job today, I have to attempt again to find out what our 'points redeemed' flights include in the way of luggage allowances, the ability to book seats together and if we will in fact, be fed on the 13+ hour flight.  Because of the 'non payment' nature of the tickets, we haven't been able to get a straight answer on this part. 

Not a single thing on this National Lampoons style holiday has been smooth.  Over and over we have asked questions only to be fobbed off till the longest possible time.  We just hope the flights exist actually.

Oh well, in an attempt to go with the flow, here goes nothing... LA here come Lil and Mil.